Renew me O God!


renewThere was a season in my life as a teenager when I became so hardened in my heart that I remember while being punished for something I had done, I told my father, you can spank me all you want, I’m not crying. My tears dried up after that. Even after I had surrendered my life to the Lord and received the call into ministry, my tears were still dried up.

18 years old, I came to Southwestern University to study and prepare for ministry after High School graduation. While sitting in chapel one day listening to the preacher speak, I thought to myself, “He Pastors a big church and this is all he’s got? I can do this.” (How arrogant, I was.)

But then he started weeping and calling students to respond to Christ. I felt compelled to get up and walk to that altar. When I did, God gave me tears again. I had a scar on my heart that God healed that day.

I remember kneeling at that altar and weeping for what seemed like hours. God was washing years of a calloused heart away and was restoring a new heart in me. He renewed my heart.

Today’s word is renew. What can God renew in you today?

Maybe you are reading this today and you have some unhealed scars. I believe God has directed you to read this today, so you can be healed.

Pray this Psalm of David.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Life is so much better when you are renewed.