Need a Vacation?


vacationRe-energize is the word of the day.

How many have ever taken a vacation and when you returned to work, you felt like you needed a vacation to rest from your vacation?

The very purpose of a vacation is a type of a sabbatical. The main purpose is to get refreshed and re-energized. Many squeeze every minute out of the time off and leave no time for refueling the emotional/physical/mental tank.

You can’t really expect to be your best if you are not managing your energy. Only foolish people refuse to take time to rest. Everyone knows you can’t put out more than you take in.

People that are always drained are a drain to be around. Don’t be that person.

Let me share with you five ways to re-energize on a daily basis.

1. Create daily re-energizing habits.

  • Write a thank you note.
  • Take a walk outside.
  • Take some deep breaths with your eyes closed.
  • Write down things you are thankful for.

2. Do something to help someone else.

In case, you think, “I don’t have time to help anyone else,” remember this verse.

Luke 6:38 (NLT) Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.

This principle works, not just for money, but most everything in life.

When you help someone else, God has a way of assigning someone to help you. But in doing so, you get refreshed.

3. Refuse to complain, use only positive language for an entire day.

4. Keep a list of accomplishments for each day. 

5. Do something each day to move toward accomplishing a larger goal. (Bucket list item)

Don’t allow yourself to get burned out. You have great value to bring to the table. Take care of yourself and be a better you.