Good Day!


good“Good” is the word of the day. Go ahead and say it, “This is a Good Day!”

Now I will warn some of you that this may be too much information for some. But I will take that risk, because the story was so funny and such a teachable moment for me.

Starla and I took our 4 year old grandson Kanon, to SeaWorld this week. We wanted to have a little getaway time with just him. He is old enough now to really enjoy it. So we spent the day at SeaWorld, went to the Riverwalk and had dinner and then ice cream, of course. We spent the night in the hotel, got up the next morning and started driving from San Antonio to Dallas.

We stopped along the way to grab some food and use the restroom. (Normal road trip stuff.)  Kanon and I walked into the Men’s Restroom. We both were standing side by side at the Men’s urinals. (Just taking care of business) When Kanon says, “Pops?” I replied, yeah Kanon?” He continued, “This is a good day!”

I laughed and responded, “Yeah Kanon, this IS a good day.”

What a great moment with my grandson. The fact is we were spending most of that day on a road trip. But in his eyes, it was a good day. It really was.

I want you realize that every day that God gives us on this earth is a good day. Yes, every day could be better. But today is good. Find the good in each day and declare it. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy the good that is all around you.

1 Chronicles 16:34 “O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.”

Find the good, Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges