Don’t Lose Focus!


focusFocus is the word of the day. I want you to think about this word and speak it over your life today. Choose to focus on the good things.

I celebrated another birthday recently. In spite of having way too many candles to put on my birthday cake, due to potential fire hazard, I have so many reasons to be thankful. Oh yes, I could complain about the fact that I can’t jump as high as I used to. I can’t run as far as I used to. (Unless I am given more time)

I can’t do a lot of things that I used to. But a happy life is not about being able to do the same things I used to do. A happy life is about new adventures. It’s about adjusting to the new opportunities that I do have, not complaining about what I don’t have.

I see this missed opportunity in a lot of people, in a lot of different ways.

Some spend their days lamenting the fact that church isn’t the same as it used to be, instead of celebrating our young people’s enthusiasm for church.

Some spend their days wishing that music, fashion, art and theater had never changed.

But how many are glad you don’t have to get around on horse and buggy anymore? How many are thankful for automatic dishwashers, washing machines and dryers?  How about cell phones and computers? Aren’t you glad you can keep in touch on a daily basis with those you love?

Let’s face it, there is an upside and a downside to all progress. It all comes down to your focus and perspective. Are you going to focus on the negative or the positive?

A happy life is found in celebrating the good in every situation, not finding and focusing on the bad.

Colossians 3:2 “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

You have the ability to choose what you will set your mind on. You have the ability to choose your focus.

Choose wisely, live happy.

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges