What’s so Amazing?

amazing horsesAmazing is the word of the day. I want you to declare that this is an AMAZING day for you, your family, your spouse and your friends.

Have you ever seen something and it took your breath away, or left you speechless, or in awe of what you have just witnessed.

  • A beautiful sunrise or sunset bursting with amazing colors.
  • A newborn baby entering this world after 9 months in a mother’s womb.
  • Amazing Ocean waves crashing the shores.
  • Amazing ingenuity.
  • Amazing landscapes.
  • Amazing art.
  • Amazing love.
  • Amazing recoveries.
  • Amazing architect.
  • Amazing animals.


We’ve all witnessed something amazing.

But you may ask, “What is so amazing about this day?”

First, “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

The fact that we have another day on God’s great earth is amazing. If you are still on this earth, that means God has a reason/plan/purpose for your existence. Wow! That’s amazing!

You still have opportunity to chase your dreams and to love, laugh and live. That’s amazing!

Joshua 3:5 “Joshua told the people, “Make yourselves acceptable to worship the Lord, because he is going to do some amazing things for us.”

If you will set your mind on expecting amazing things, then amazing things will come your way. Your expectation is like a magnet for amazing things. It will also reveal amazing things that are already around you.

Go ahead and declare that God is going to do amazing things in you today. Speak it over your family today. At the end of the day write down three things that you are thankful for. Write down three things that you accomplished. Then declare, “This was an amazing day.”

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges