Expand or Explode

I have a small refrigerator in my office. It has a freezer section at the top. I opened it the other day to grab a can of Sparkling Water, only to realize that the can of water had exploded. It was sitting to close to the freezer section.

Have you ever had a soda can or even a water bottle explode in the freezer? The contents expand while freezing and causes the container to explode.

Mark 2:22 says, “And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

The wineskins were made out of leather. If the wine pouch was not used for a while it would become dry and brittle and if new wine was poured into it, the new wine would cause the old wineskin to explode. Both the wine and the wineskin would be ruined.

God will not put new wine into old wineskins. Instead He pours new wine into new or “renewed” wineskins. Wineskins were renewed when they were rubbed down with oil and made flexible and pliable again, then, new wine could be poured into it.

Let me ask you a question. If God did something new in your life today, would it cause you to crack under the pressure or would you be flexible or pliable enough to handle the “new” wine?

Stay saturated by the oil of the Holy Spirit. This will keep you flexible and pliable and able to handle the new things that God is getting ready to do in your life.

Believe me, your best is yet to come. Don’t crack under the pressure. Stay saturated in the Holy Spirit. The word of the day is Expand or Explode. To expand is better.