Rights Versus Responsibility!

Rights versus Responsibility!

There is a lot of discussion today about “rights.”

  • Gun rights
  • Abortion rights
  • Human rights
  • Civil rights
  • Homosexual rights
  • Privacy rights
  • Legal rights
  • Women’s rights
  • Student’s rights

I believe in rights. But when your rights infringe upon another’s rights, your rights cease to exist. They are not rights anymore.

I prefer the word “responsibility.”

  • Yes, you have the right to a safe environment.
  • But, you have the responsibility to follow safety rules.


  • Yes, you have the right to voice your opinion.
  • But, you have responsibility to respect the opinions of others.


  • Yes, you have the right to use school books, materials and equipment.
  • But, you have the responsibility to take care of the materials.


  • Yes, you have the right to fair treatment.
  • But, you have the responsibility to treat others fairly.


  • Yes, you have the right to a good education.
  • But, you have the responsibility to do your best.


  • Yes, you have the right to the American Dream.
  • But, you have the responsibility to work for it.


  • Yes, you have the right to have sex.
  • But, you have the responsibility to care for a child, if you become pregnant.


Don’t talk about rights unless you are willing to take responsibility.

Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

Remember that ultimately, our lives are to be lived, for the Lord Jesus Christ and not for ourselves. Whatever we do, we should do, as unto the Lord. This is our right and responsibility.