Quit Worrying!

worryWe spend way too much time worrying about things that we have no control over, such as the weather. I have allowed myself to get stressed on many Sunday mornings because it was raining. Yes, I know, I’m weird. I remember complaining to God one time about the weather on Sunday for fear that it would keep people out of church. I felt like God said to me, “Kendall, you complain when it rains, because you think people will stay home. You complain when the sun shines, because you think people will go to the lake. You can’t have it both ways, so shut up, quit complaining and enjoy the day that I bring you.” I try, I really do.

The truth is, there is absolutely nothing I can do about the weather, other than pray and ask God to intervene. Then, it’s in His hands. I have discovered that God always knows best. In fact, I remember one Sunday when a storm hit so hard that it knocked the power out at our church, just before service began. We ended up having a stripped down service with no lights, no sound, no electricity, but there was plenty of “Power.” It was a beautiful service that we never would have experienced had the weather not interrupted our Sunday routine.

Quit worrying about what you can’t control. You can’t change one thing by worrying. Matthew 6:27 says, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Obviously, the answer is, “No!”

Don’t you think you have enough to deal with, that is your responsibility, rather than spending even one moment on something that you have no control over? The word of the day is, Quit Worrying!” Instead, Pray this: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”