Live Full!

cell phone dyingHave you ever noticed how some people get panicked when their cell phone battery is running low or about to die? Am I talking about you? Relax, most of us are that way. You and I are a lot like our cell phones. We need to be recharged every day. We need to get plugged in, stop functioning and just receive.

When your phone battery is running low, you limit and restrict the use. You don’t keep the power on. We just hang on hoping that our phone will not die and leave us disconnected form civilization. It’s the same when we are not continually plugged in and connected through prayer and praise. We are limited in how we can be used for God. Our power is not activated, because we don’t have a charge. When we aren’t charged, we limit our use and refuse to do anything. We just hang on and hope we don’t die and lose contact with the world. Just hanging on hoping we don’t die, is no way to live. Find your way into His presence each day. That is where you will be filled and fully charged. The word of the day is full. Live full today.

Psalm 16:11 In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.