Beautiful Chaos!

beautiful chaosEvery time our family of four children, their spouses and our nine grandchildren get together and has a meal, it is Beautiful Chaos. Yes, Beautiful Chaos. There are kids climbing from one adult to the other. There is a child climbing under the table at any given moment trying to escape. There may be flying rolls from time to time. There may be a diaper being changed. There is at least one unhappy camper, and that’s just the adults!

We have a great time and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. But one thing you can count on is someone spilling a drink. It just wouldn’t be a meal without a spilled drink.

You’ve heard the scripture…. “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them…”

Our scripture or family motto would beWhere two or three are gathered…SOMEONE SPILLS THE MILK!” …Spaghetti will be on the floor …Crumbs will fall …Accidents will happen …Children will cry

Whether we are eating out or eating at home, when two or three are gathered there will be a mess. It often causes tension and stress and frustration. But listen, that’s life. You must learn to Praise God, not for these things, but in the midst of these things.

Look at what this scripture says; Numbers 9:18 (KJV)…as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents.

The cloud represents the presence of God. When you praise God, His presence covers you and you can find the rest that you need. The word of the day is Beautiful Chaos. In the midst of your chaos, choose to praise God anyway, and watch your chaos turn into beautiful chaos.