God is good!

God is goodI was recently boarding an airplane. I was given an exit row with extra leg room. I thought to myself, “Great, I’ll be able to stretch my legs out, relax and enjoy this flight.“ Then, all of a sudden three families with about eight kids, sat all around me. There were kids climbing over the chair in front of me. There were kids kicking the chair behind me. There were kids throwing things from across the aisle. It was total chaos. I was surrounded. I felt like at least four of them at any given time were screaming the entire trip. But I thought again, “I am the parent of four children. I’ve been where they are.” So I told myself, “This is life, just get over it.” And I did.

As I’m sitting there on the window seat wondering who is going to sit next to me, I see this very large, muscular built, 300lb man coming down the aisle. He has to be at least 6’5” tall. I thought to myself, “Surely he won’t sit next to me.” Sure enough he did. Now what leg room I had, to make the trip better, was suddenly stolen by a man who actually needs a seat and a half to accommodate his size. As I am being smashed up against the side of the plane, I tell myself, “This is life, just deal with it.” There are many things that could be worse. Life isn’t always perfect.

I decided it wasn’t going to ruin my trip. Then all of a sudden the smell of a poopie diaper begins to fill the air. Wait a minute!!!! It still could be worse. Ha. Life is funny sometimes. Life is unfair sometimes. But life is good all of the time. Why? Because God is good, all of the time.

Always remind yourself of how good God is. Don’t let the unfortunate distractions of life cause you to miss how good today really is.

Psalm 100:5 “For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

The word of the day, is God is good, all the time.

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges