The Birthday Card!

birthday cardI have a birthday card that I keep displayed in my office. It’s a special birthday card. Unlike all the others I have ever received in my life. This card was selected by my Father and Mother, to be presented to me on my birthday in 2010. However, my father quickly passed away and was not able to give the card to me. When my birthday arrived, my mother handed me the card and said, “You’re father helped pick this out.”

He never had a chance to write in it. My beautiful mother signed it for both of them that year.

I wonder how many words have gone unmentioned. How many thoughts we never articulated? How many compliments we never got around to sharing? How many dreams were never fulfilled, because time ran out before we had the chance, or took the opportunity, to act on them?

The word of the day is today.

Whatever it is that you have been putting off to do until tomorrow, or until you have better circumstances, do it now, do it today.

James 4:14 says, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

Life is so short. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Do it today.