Growing Pains!

mountian topEveryone of us have faced challenges in our life. We have all experienced difficult times. Everyone knows what it is like to suffer to some degree.

2 Corinthians 7:9 Paul says this “I am glad… [talking about the pain they went through] not because it hurt you but because the pain turned you to God.”

I don’t know what you are facing today. But I do know that you have a choice to either turn to God or turn away from God when you face difficulties in your life.

I urge you to turn to God. Don’t blame Him for all the bad things that are going on in our world. The world is messed up because of sin. Many of the things that cause us trouble in the world are due to the consequences of sin in our world and even in our lives.

Instead of blaming God and turning away from Him, turn to God and let Him help you through this season of your life.

The fact is, that many of the good things we experience in our life are because we experienced pain. No growth comes without pain. That’s why it’s called “growing pains.”

How many ever bargained with God?

  • God if you’ll get me out of this mess, I’ll start tithing.
  • God if you’ll get me out of this mess, I’ll go to church.
  • God if you’ll bring me the right woman, I’ll settle down.
  • God if you’ll get me this job, I’ll actually show up for work this time.

God does His part and now you are doing your part. You bargained with God because of the “pain” that was in your life. But you made a deal with God and you are better off because of it.

The word of the day is growing pains.

Often times your deepest pain will create the greatest you.

Your greatest happiness comes from your most difficult moments.

Why? Because you know what it took to “get through.” You made it, you achieved, you won, you conquered and you overcame. You are a winner my friend.