Healed people, heal people!

hurt peopleHurt People, hurt people. Healed people, heal people.

Have you ever had a friendly family dog, get injured, and then snap at you because you attempted to pick them up or pet them where they were hurt?

It happens all the time. It’s not that the family pet dislikes you, they are only protecting themselves the only way they know how. The end result is when they are hurt, they will hurt you, if you get too close.

People are the same way. When we are hurt, we tend to hurt others as well. We push people away with our…

Words- We say things that we feel, but usually don’t really mean. These words can oftentimes injure others permanently.

Walls- We build walls around our heart, so no one can get in. We shut out the people that we care about the most.

Wars (fights) – We pick fights with people just to keep them away. We don’t want to engage on a civil level, so we engage in a destructive way to keep others out of our life.

But on the other hand, when we are healed, we desire to see others experience the same kind of healing and breakthrough.

1 John 4:11 “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”

Since God loved us, let us love one another. Let us help one another. Let us heal one another.

The word of the day is heal. Let us find healing for ourselves, so we can provide healing for others.