Get the Most out of Life!

sunriseThere are three simple keys to get the most out of life.

I eagerly desire that everyone of my family and friends become everything that God intends for them to become. I also desire that everyone reading this would apply these simple keys to get the most out of life!

Key #1. Forget Yesterday- Quit looking backwards. Quit living in the past. Have you ever spoken to someone who couldn’t talk about anything but the past?

(My wife tells me, when I get together with my college buddies, all we do is tell the same old stories. That doesn’t count.)

Some people can’t get over the failures of the past. Then, there are some people who can’t can’t let go of the successes of the past. They are still living on the victories of the past. Either, can derail or distract you from what God has in store for you today.

Key #2. Don’t rely on Tomorrow- Some people are living so much in the future, hoping for things to change, that they are missing the beauty of the moment that it is right in front of them today.

Jesus taught us to not worry about tomorrow, it would take care of itself.

3. Embrace Today- There are so many wonderful things that are taking place in your life right now. Watch a beautiful sunrise or a sunset. Enjoy a majestic rainstorm. Notice the people that you encounter everyday. Call them by name. Ask how their day is going. Go to the park, take a walk, ride a bike, call a friend or family member today. Make the most of each moment today. You only have 365 days this year. Make the most of each one, starting today.

Get the most out of life today. Refuse to live in the past or in the future, embrace TODAY!

The word of the day is embrace.