5 Keys to a Happier Marriage!

happy-lifeWould you like a new, happier relationship?

5 Keys to a Happier Marriage

1. Agree on your expectations. 

Negotiate until you both come to an agreement. Then, abide by the agreement.

Such as, who pays the bills, balances the checkbook, mows the lawn, disciplines the children, prepares the meals, etc. There is no right or wrong as it relates to domestic issues. But, there is what is right for your home. So agree on what is expected of each other.

2. Commit to being on the same team. 

Each marriage must have equal commitment to make the marriage work. You’re not in a competition. You’re not in a war. You’re not on different teams. So, there needs to be an agreed upon commitment to making your marriage a better marriage.

3. Admit your faults and pray for each other. 

No one is perfect. We will make mistakes from time to time. In those times, admit your faults and pray for each other. Don’t let mistakes drive you away from each, but rather, allow them to drive you closer to each other.

4. Receive help from others.  Every couple needs a little help from time to time. Even the best athletes in the world have coaches. Why? Because they need another set of eyes to make them better.

5. Speak positive words over your marriage. 

Don’t threaten one another with divorce. Don’t use your words to create a negative environment. Use the power of your words to create a climate of love, unity and forgiveness.

James 5:16 Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results. (TLB)

The word of the day is happy. Stay Free, Be Happy,