Uniquely You!

unique 12-9-15We look in the mirror and say to ourselves, “Why am so short? Why am I so tall? Why do I have freckles? Why am I so pale? Why am I so dark? Why do have long skinny fingers? Why do I have short stubby fingers? Why do I have such curly hair? Why do I have such thin hair? Why couldn’t I be like him? Why couldn’t I be like her? Why was I born this way, at this time, in this family, in this country? Why, why, why?”

In a world where every generation desires so desperately to be recognized differently and separate from the previous generation, it is awkwardly amusing that we work so hard to be just like everyone else.

What is it about us that wants to be like everyone, yet different at the same time?

This is the paradox and the inner battle of originality and conformity in our daily lives. We were made to be uniquely different from everyone else. But there is a fear of being alone, standing out, the only one, that we battle in our minds.

My challenge to you today is to reject the fear of being alone and determine to be everything you were made to be.

We have all been created to be something original, unique and blessed by our creator and God. What God has made me to be, is different and unique from what God has made you to be. My responsibility to God and myself is to be the very best me, that God created.

The word of the day is unique. You are unique and blessed by God.

Your responsibility is to be the very best you, God created you to be.

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”