Your Will Be Done!

your willHave you ever felt abandoned? Maybe you were abandoned as a child. Maybe your parents gave you up for adoption, or your father walked out on your family. Maybe your best friend turned their back on you, or you were set up at work and left to take the blame for the failures of others on your team. We have all faced some type of abandonment. It all hurts, stings and leaves scars for a lifetime. Some find a way to overcome and leave the past in the past. Others have great difficulty allowing this deep wound to heal.

Did you know that Jesus himself was abandoned? That’s right. He was abandoned by God, His own father. When Jesus took our sins upon Himself on the cross, God the father had to turn away from His Son. That’s when Jesus cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46

Jesus was abandoned and alone. How did He get through this? His ability to get through this goes back to His willingness to surrender to the will of God. Remember when He prayed in the garden, “Not my will but your will be done?” That’s when Jesus determined that no matter what He encountered in life that He was trusting God’s will completely.

You have to trust that God can take your hurts and turn them into healing, your pain into a promise and your confusion into confidence, and that God will work all things together for good. Trust Him to do that today.

The word of the day is Your Will Be Done.