Adjust with Hope!

All of us have experienced dark times in our life.

When you have walked through the season of losing a loved one, it is a dark season that requires a lot of adjustment to a new normal. There are so many “trigger moments” that refuse to allow you to move on. You are constantly jerked back to the reality of your loss.

Possibly you had a friend, who walked out on you for reasons that you cannot understand. Now your days or evenings that were once filled with shared activities are now void of the presence of that person who occupied so much of your life. The new season is a dark season that requires adjustment.

Your job laid off an entire department and you were part of the collateral damage. Now you find yourself having to adjust to looking for a job after having been established for years in one specific field. It is an awkward and sometimes fearful adjustment to a new normal.

Maybe your health has taken a downward turn. The things that you once could do with ease are now difficult to accomplish. This new season takes an adjustment as well.

Regardless of whether our loss is health, hope, a marriage or simply trust in someone, each loss requires a season of adjustment, just like our eyes have to adjust, each time we walk in our out of dark room and into light or vice versa.

The word of the day is “Adjust with Hope.”

Look at this promise from the Word of God…

Micah 7:8-9 “… when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me. 9… He will bring me forth to the light; I will see His righteousness.”

Adjust with hope because the Lord will be a light for you.