Be Patient!

Have you ever had the experience of driving down a dark road at night, and as you approach the crest of a hill, you are blasted by the brilliant high beam lights of an oncoming vehicle in the other lane? It’s blinding isn’t it? Why? Because your eyes are so adjusted to the darkness, that when a brilliant light hits you, it’s impossible for your eyes to adjust quick enough resulting in being blinded by the light.

A similar thing happens when people come to church for the first time. The bible tells us that we are born in sin. Which basically means that each of us are born with the tendency to want our own way and to live independently without God in our lives. As we grow up this way, our spiritual eyes are so accustomed to the darkness of our sin that when the Light of God’s Word hits us, it has a blinding effect. The Light’s there, but instead of helping us see, it has a blinding effect. That’s why we as the church need to be patient.

 I shared this at church the other day and a young lady came up to me after service and said, “That was me. I was blinded by the light. Coming to church for the first time was very overwhelming.”

But as her “eyes adjusted,” she made a decision to give her life to Jesus and follow Christ as her Savior and Lord.

The word of the day is “Be Patient.” We are all a work in progress.

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.