Three Types of People you Need in Your Life!

thinking manThere are three types of people that you need in your life

  1. Champion- You need a hero. You need someone who is winning in the area that you want to win. You need a role model. This is someone you can emulate, copy and model yourself after. This is someone who has accomplished the same type of goals that you believe you are called to accomplish.
  2. Coach- You need someone who can coach you. You need a mentor. You need someone who will tell where and how you can improve, to accomplish your goals. This person may not have accomplished what you desire, but they have a unique set of skills to help you fine tune your life to accomplish your goals.
  3. Confidant- You need someone you can express your deepest desires to. You need someone you can share your secrets with and know they will be safe. You need someone that you can trust with your life.

No person is an island. We all need help getting where we are going. I challenge you to let the people into your life, that you need to succeed.

The word of the day is relationships. Let others help you become a better version of you.

Proverbs 13:20 “Walk with the wise and become wise.”