Precious Cargo!

Precious CargoThe word of the day is “Precious Cargo.” That may sound like a peculiar word to speak over yourself and your family today, but just hear me out.

I still remember the night that a certain young man came to pick up my daughter, Summer Star for their first date. He walked into our home and I looked him up and down and I gave him the “Dad stare.” I then proceeded to tell him that he would have ‘Precious Cargo’ with him tonight, (speaking of my precious daughter) and if he knew what was good for him he would bring her back, exactly as she was, when they left. I might have said something about breaking every bone in his body. I’m not sure. I’m not admitting or denying it.

But I have always considered my family and friends, “Precious Cargo.” I want you to realize that the people that God has placed in your life, are precious to you. Whether or not they are family, friends or colleagues, they are precious cargo to you. God has placed them in your life to bless you and be blessed by you.

Take time today to acknowledge your “Precious Cargo.” Tell them how much they mean to you. Tell them what a difference they have made in your life. Life is too short to let these moments pass by without expressing how much we love our ‘Precious Cargo.”

1 John 4:7-8 (ESV) Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges