Work Hard?

workWork is the word of the day! I want you to realize that most things of value require work to achieve and to maintain. Whether it is a skill, talent, job or business. This is true in our relationships as well. Therefore, I want you to make a commitment to speak this word over your life and commit to work on your relationships every day.

Thomas Jefferson said, “I find that the harder I work the more luck I seem to have.”

It’s not about how bad you want something, or how lucky you may or may not be. It’s about how hard you’re willing to work for it.

For years I used to say,” I wish I could speak Spanish.” Then someone said, “Why don’t you take a course and learn how?” That pretty much shut me up. I no longer say that.” Because, if I really wanted to learn how to speak Spanish bad enough, I would work hard enough to learn how.

Are you willing to work hard enough to see your marriage/relationship succeed? Relationships are much like a garden or a flower bed. If left to themselves they will be destroyed by weeds. That’s why they must be tended to and looked after continually. Don’t let a day go by that you don’t strengthen your marriage or relationships with words and deeds of encouragement and affirmation.

Don’t just wish for a better life, work for it.

Colossians 3:17  “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Some people have this philosophy about work:


  • 12% MONDAY
  • 23% TUESDAY
  • 20% THURSDAY
  • 5% FRIDAY

This philosophy won’t cut it in your most important relationships. You need to give 100% all of the time.

John Maxwell said, “Dreams don’t work unless you do.”

What kind of dream do you have for your family?

Work Hard, Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges