I am Thankful for you!



Thanksgiving is the word for the day. I want you to declare that you will walk in an attitude of thanksgiving today. Speak this over yourself, your family and your work.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you”

According to this scripture ‘giving thanks’ is the one thing that the Bible specifically says, is God’s will for you! So this is not optional. Walking in an attitude of thanksgiving is what God requires of us.

However, because of our nature, it’s much more natural to speak of things that do not go right, or we are not pleased with. That’s why we have to be intentional about giving thanks.

Every morning, take a moment and thank God out loud for three things.

For example, it could be…

  1. For the new day, filled with new opportunities.
  2. For a good night’s rest. (hopefully you had one)
  3. For His guidance in your life and that He orders your steps.

Then, before you go to bed, give Him thanks for three more things.

For example it could be…

  1. For your accomplishments that day.
  2. For His protection over your family.
  3. For the specific opportunity you had to encourage some one today.

It may be helpful to keep a Thanksgiving Journal to write these things down. Remember, it is God’s will.

There are so many things to give God thanks for, none as great as the gift of His Son Jesus Christ who died for our sins.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Be thankful, Be Free,
