Let the weak say, “I am Strong.”


strongStrong is the word of the day. Speak this word over your life today.

The Bible says, in Joel 3:10 “Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’” So, I want you to say it. You may be thinking right now, “But I don’t feel very strong.” That is the very reason to say, “I am strong.” Use the power of your words to change your circumstance today.

You may be thinking, that no one understands what you are facing today. I may not know exactly what you are going through. But what I do know, is that even though there may be a storm in your life right now, it never rains forever. The sun will shine again.

You may think that you are in the longest night season of your life. It may be very challenging right now. I don’t doubt it. But what you need to realize is, that the sun will rise on this dark night. As sure as the sun rose yesterday morning and the day before that, it will rise again on the dark night that you are facing right now.

Say, “I am strong, over your life, your marriage, your work and your temptations.”

You are strong enough to win this battle. You are strong enough to stand and keep fighting for what God has destined for you.

You are strong man of God. You are strong woman of God. Don’t listen to the lie of the enemy who has told you that you are finished, abandoned, defeated, and washed up. You are just beginning. I declare that you have just received your new start, your new beginning. This is a new day for you. From this moment forward you will think different. You will act different. You will live different. Because you are strong in the power of God Almighty. I declare that His breath of victory has just given you a new hope.

Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

You are stronger than you realize. So rise up child of God and BE STRONG!

Stay Strong, Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges