Play, Pray and Stay Together!

Recently, while at our family’s Thanksgiving celebration, I watched as my grandchildren ran around the house chasing each other and playing games in the exact same way my children once did. It’s a miracle that everyone survives, there are over fifty that gather on Starla’s side of the family.

This year, my father-in-law was not with us. Papa is enjoying his first Thanksgiving in heaven. So, the opening prayer torch was passed on to my brother-in-law. Johnny addressed the family and acknowledged that things were different this year. Every year, things change a little. Someone is not with us who has passed on. Someone has a little more gray in their hair. Someone doesn’t have as much hair. Others have possibly added a little unwanted weight.

However, I noticed something that did not change. God is still good. He is good to comfort, to heal, to hold us up and to give us strength, when we need it most. He is faithful and He is present in our times of need.

I truly believe this; A family that plays together and prays together, stays together.

 The word of the day is play, pray and stay together.

Acts 12:12 When he realized this, he went to the home of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where many were gathered for prayer.

Do your very best to make your home a place where your family is free to play together and pray together. You will be more likely to stay together. This will make your home better.

Stay Free,
