Your Presence makes a Difference!

PresenceYou’ve finally made it through the Thanksgiving holidays. You’ve probably eaten too much turkey and pumpkin pie. You heard the same old stories from your family members that you have heard every year at Thanksgiving. You probably got into a fight with the same relative that you fought with last year. (Hopefully not) For some, it’s like Groundhog Day, repeating the same day, all over again. Just like last year. But for others it was very different. Someone significant was not there. Their presence that always brought so much peace was absent. You longed to hear their voice and hug and kiss their face. But they were not there. Maybe they were serving in the military. Maybe their work schedule would not allow it. Maybe they were part of an unfortunate break up, that left them on the outside looking in. Maybe they spent this Thanksgiving in heaven. But their absence left a vacuum. Their absence left an emptiness.

Presence is the word of the day. Wherever you are, you add presence to that room. You add purpose, meaning and significance. You may feel like no one will notice if you are gone. But that is not true.

Your presence matters.

Determine today that you will not let your presence be wasted.

1 Chronicles 16: 27(AMP) “Honor and majesty are [found] in His presence; strength and joy are [found] in His sanctuary.”

Since we carry the Spirit of Jesus Christ in us, then honor, majesty, strength and joy can be experienced through Christ in us, when we are present.

Make a difference where you are today. Smile, encourage, bless, support and strengthen someone today with your presence.