I want to go back!

old truckStarla and I were watching a movie the other night. In the movie, a grandfather put his eleven year-old granddaughter behind the wheel of his old pick-up and said, “You drive.” She responded, “I don’t know how to drive!” “Well, this is how you learn,” he replied.

I looked over at Starla and asked, “Do you remember your grandfather doing that with you?” We both remember those times with fondness.

Do you ever find yourself wanting to go back, yearning to return to a former time and place, because the memories are so wonderful? That’s called Nostalgia.

The word of the day is “Nostalgia.”

Nostalgia is delicate, but potent. In Greek, “nostalgia” literally means, “The pain from an old wound.” It’s the twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone. It is the feeling of a place where we ache to go again.

Yes, there is a dangerous seduction of nostalgia. It is that erroneous notion that a different time and place is better than the present. It is often that romantic imagination of people who find it difficult to cope with the present.

I want you to use nostalgic thinking to yearn for the presence of God and the move of God, like we have known in the past. But let’s not miss a moment of the beautiful present that God has given us. Today, in His presence are treasures of blessings designed for you.

Psalm 16:11 “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Make your life better one moment at a time, in His presence.