Make your days count!

make the days countA great boxing legend recently passed away. Muhammed Ali was no doubt an exceptional boxer. While I may not agree with everything he stood for in his life, I respect him as a great athlete. He is attributed with the quote “Don’t count your days, make your days count.”

I wonder how many of us waste precious time counting down the days, living in regret over wasted or missed opportunities, instead of making every day the best it possibly can be.

Have you ever chosen to do “nothing,” because you couldn’t afford to do what you really “wanted?”

Have you chosen to go “nowhere,” because you couldn’t afford to go where you “wanted?”

Have you ever attempted “nothing,” because your ultimate dream was out of reach?

We’ve all been guilty to some degree.

Why not give every day the chance to become the most incredible day of your life?

Mark 9:23 (ESV) says, “All things are possible for one who believes.”

  • Focus on the things that really matter.
  • Say the things that mean the most.
  • Listen to the words that are really being spoken.
  • Hear what is being said.
  • Think on things that are lovely.
  • Be present, this is your only chance at this moment.
  • Dream like the sky is the limit.
  • Live each day like it’s your last.
  • Believe as if everything will come true.
  • Hope in a brighter tomorrow, but live fully alive today.

The word of the day is, “Make your days count.”

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges