A Lesson from Bird Poop!

bird_poopA bird pooped on my head at the poolside of a beautiful resort in Mexico recently. That’s right! Of all the places and all the people where that little plop of poop could have landed, it landed on my head. I guess better me than someone else, right?

All I could think about was the poop. I just wanted to go back to the room and get a shower. My wife and my daughter said, “You can’t even see it.” That didn’t matter, I knew it was there. I felt assaulted by the foul of the air.

I think words can have the same effect on people.

How often do we poop on someone’s great idea, good day, accomplishment, promotion, victory or win?

It’s not our win, so we poop on their party.

I want to encourage you today to use your words to make someone’s day. Use your words to celebrate people. Celebrate others accomplishments and victories.

Proverbs 12:6 says, “Our words have the power to destroy and the power to build up.”

Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death.”

So, ask yourself today, are you using your words to build up people or tear them down?

Are your words and your conversations filled with hate or love, complaining or compliments, victory or defeat? Our words can be used to help lift people up or to send them into discouragement. Let’s use our words for a better purpose.

Let’s build up not tear down.

Let’s encourage, not discourage.

Let’s unite, not divide.

“Encourage” is the word of the day. Speak this word over your life today and use your words to encourage yourself and others.