Be The Real You!

In Basel, Switzerland each year the good protestant townspeople have a festival in which they all don masks and go through the city doing things and going places they would never consider doing/going under normal circumstances. The mask, which veiled their identity emboldened them to do these things. One year, the Salvation Army, concerned about the abandonment of moral standards, put up signs all over the city, which read, “God sees behind the mask.” 

God still sees behind the mask. Why do we keep wearing the masks? You may have seen many people this week wearing masks because of Halloween. You may not trick or treat anymore, but I’m pretty sure you are still wearing a mask.

People wear masks for at least two reasons.

  1. To change your identity. At Church, you look like a Christian. Around non-Christians, you blend in just fine. and so, you wear a mask to ‘fit in’. And like a chameleon, you secure your mask in place because you want to blend in to your surroundings.
  2. To hide your identity. You don’t want people to see the ‘real’ you. So, you put on a mask as a way of hiding who you REALLY are.

We like to hide our faults, weaknesses and the ugly parts of our life.

The word of the day is… be the real you. You were created unique for a purpose. Each time you mask the real you, you are denying God the opportunity to fulfill His beautiful plan through your life. Live unmasked.