Take off the Mask!

Take Off The Mask

Many people throughout history have worn masks.

  • The Lone Ranger
  • Batman
  • The Joker
  • Deadpool
  • Wolverine
  • Darth Vader
  • Spider Man
  • Iron Man
  • Flash
  • Captain America
  • The Phantom of The Opera
  • Zorro

We all wear masks. The question is… What masks do you wear? 

  • Sunday Morning mask- Where regardless of how you feel, you respond with, “I am blessed.”
  • Social Media mask- Where everything is perfect and we always look like we are living the dream.
  • I know what you’re talking about mask-
  • I get that joke mask-
  • People pleaser mask-
  • The macho mask-
  • The intimidator mask-
  • The bully mask-

Whether it is hair color, make up, a fake smile or a straight up lie, we all wear masks.

In your mind, gather up everyone you know and put them in a room, friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances. Everyone is mingling with their masks perfectly placed. But then, imagine a strong wind gust sweeps through the party, blowing all masks off. It’s mayhem, faces are exposed, for maybe the first time, wrinkles and all.

Now imagine that instead of using this vulnerability against one another you patted each other on the back, encouraged uniqueness and supported one another.

Why are we so afraid to be authentic?

Even when our masks irritate our skin, and we can’t relax or be ourselves, we still resist change.

This epic performance is a huge drain on our minds, bodies and souls. It’s a hard act to constantly pretend to be someone else.

There is freedom in living without the mask. Once you remove the mask you unlock the unlimited potential of God inside of you to flourish.

The word of the day is Take off the Mask.