Texas State Fair!

State FairEvery Fall, in late September and early October, my family and I look forward to attending the great State Fair of Texas. We all meet together and like Moses and the children of Israel we attempt to navigate our large family through the mass of people and hit all of our favorite places.

We love the petting zoo, with all of the animals. We love the thrill of the rides. We love the entertainment, from singers and marching bands to trapeze artists and the games on the Midway. But what we love the most, is the fried food. Yes, that’s right, the fried food. Especially the corn dogs. Every year someone comes up with something new to deep fry and we just have to try it. I’m talking about everything from fried Oreos to fried peanut butter sandwiches, fried alligator to fried butter… butter? Yep! But don’t ask, you just have to try it.

Here’s what I realize, we can eat like that one day a year. But we can’t eat like that every day. It will kill you. I’m talking about a slow, happy, deep fried, southern comfort food death. (Did I really just say that?)

But here’s the word of the day, tradition. Create some traditions in your life that you and your family can enjoy on a consistent basis. It creates an opportunity for great fellowship, but also some great memories.

1 Corinthians 11:2 “I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the traditions just as I passed them on to you.”

There are spiritual traditions that we need to hold on to. There should also be some family traditions that we hold on to. Of course, like anything, you have to know when it is time to let it go. But until that time, enjoy some great traditions.

I believe it can make your life better.