Peace and Quiet!

PeaceI woke up recently on a Saturday morning just as the sun had come up. Since the weather was nice enough, I decided to go outside and sit on my backyard patio for some peace and quiet time. It’s there that I enjoy my morning devotions when the weather permits. So I grabbed my coffee and my Bible and made my way outside, only to be greeted with… (Noise!) I thought to myself it’s not even 7:00am, who is making all the noise?

I heard the bouncing of a basketball, so I looked down the street and there were two kids playing basketball. Don’t they know that they are supposed to be watching cartoons on Saturday morning? I heard the sound of what must have been a sick bird. It was in one of the trees in my backyard and it’s almost as if it was telling me that I was in its personal space, so back-off. I heard a car-alarm going off. I heard a neighbor working in his garage. I heard the horses in the stable across the street. Now that’s the only sound that I don’t mind hearing.

We all need a little peace and quiet, from time to time.

The word of the day is peace.

Where can you go to find peace?

In a noisy and troubled world sometimes finding a place of peace is not possible. But finding the person of peace is. His name is Jesus.

Speak peace over your life and family today.

Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”