Look On The Bright Side!


lookI Pastor a great church family in Dallas, Texas. I have to admit, every Sunday I look at the weather to determine whether or not I think people are going to come to church.

If it is raining, I complain, “God, why are you letting it rain on Sunday? You know people will stay home because of the rain.” If the sun is shining bright, I will complain as well. I figure people are going to go to the lake if the weather is beautiful. I can almost hear God saying, “Which way do you want it?”

I know, I’m pitiful.

But for the most part, I am an extremely positive person. I really am. I am totally a glass half-full person.

The truth is there will always be things that don’t go our way. There will always be interruptions to our day. The key is learning to look on the bright side of things. There is always a bright side.

For instance, if you have the flu and have to stay home from work. At least you can watch a marathon of your favorite TV series while you are getting better.

Yes, your car broke down, but you had a friend that was available to help you out.

No, you didn’t get the promotion that you were hoping for, but you still have a job and bring home a steady paycheck.

You don’t have to change your circumstances for your life to get better. You just have to change the way you look at them.

That’s why the word of the day is look. Look at things differently today. Look at them from a positive viewpoint.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”