Strangled in the Womb!


Kendall's iphone 547Starla and I had only been married for a year when our first son was born. The entire delivery process was new to us. So we didn’t completely understand the magnitude of what was happening. But at one point in the delivery process we lost the heartbeat of our son. The nurses turned Starla from one side to the other. It was painful and excruciating as you can imagine. Starla dilated from two to ten in forty-five minutes. But finally, our son Kolt was born. When the doctor delivered Kolt, we discovered that the umbilical chord was wrapped around his neck five times. He was literally being strangled in the womb.

When I told the story at church the next Sunday, a lady came up to me afterwards, her face covered in tears. She said, “I must tell you what happened. The night Kolt was born I was awakened at 3:00am out of a sound sleep. I began to pray. I prayed for all of my family, all of my friends and all of my church leaders. I didn’t know what else to pray for so I began to pray in the Spirit. I prayed until almost 4:00am, then I felt a release to go back to sleep. As you were telling the story today about Kolt, the Lord whispered in my ear, ‘That is what I had you praying for.’ “

You see Kolt was born at 3:49am. Now I know why Starla dilated so quickly. Someone prayed. God intervened. My son is alive.

It’s amazing to me how God will use us to pray for others. I want to be used to help others. I want to be used to make a difference in my world. The word of the day is used.

Romans 8:26 “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”

Let God use you today.