Be Ready!


Be_ReadyIt was a late night drive home. The Houston Rockets had just won the NBA Championship in 1995 for the second year in a row. Starla and I were driving home with our windows down, listening to the people celebrate the victory.

As I looked into my rear-view mirror, I saw her coming. A car traveling well over 100 mph, approaching so fast I feared for my own safety. I saw her car begin to hydro-plane and slide out of control into the on-coming traffic. Just to the left of my car window I heard and even felt the impact of the crash just a few feet from our own car. The first words out of my mouth were, “Someone just died.”

“Quick, turn around!” Starla said. I pulled up next to the crash scene only to see several things I had never seen before. First, the broken body of a young twenty something female, lying on the pavement, twisted and torn. I reached to feel for a pulse. There was none. The car she had been driving had been completely severed into two parts. There she lay, next to the front half of the car, the engine and front seat. In the ditch to the side of the road was the back half of the car, the back seat and trunk. In that moment a truck quickly pulled up and stopped. It was the boyfriend of this young lady. He fell on his knees and begin to cry over her lifeless body.

Starla stayed with the young lady’s body until paramedics arrived. I stayed with the young man. Over the next hour or so while trying to comfort and console this young man, I had the opportunity to lead him to accept Christ as His Savior.

The word of the day is ready. Be ready to help always. Be ready for eternity.

2 Timothy 4:2be instant in season, out of season.”