Street Fight!


renewIt was a cold Friday night under the bridge in Houston, Texas. We had just finished the worship set. I had settled into my message when it happened. A couple of thugs from the streets came into our crowd and started disrupting the service. They were causing some concern and saying offensive things to our ladies. While continuing to speak, I was trying my best to communicate with my eyes for some of our guys to step up and do something about it. Needless to say, we were a little unprepared.

I thought to myself, now is when I need my self-appointed, “Head Usher/Bodyguard,” none other than Robert, to step up and help. I gave him the look and he walked out of the crowd toward the back and disappeared into the darkness. I thought, of all the times I really need some help and Robert just walks out on me. I knew I was about to have my first street church fight.

I didn’t know what else to do, so I threw up a prayer to God and said, “I guess it’s you and me.” I felt God say, “I’ve got this”

At that moment, here comes Robert with five more guys. His guys surround our crowd like a hedge of protection. He walked to the front row and sat down, crossed his legs, laid the shaft of a golf club across his lap and signals an “okay” sign to me, and then motions with his hand for me to carry on.

As soon as the two thugs saw Robert’s boys, they split. We had no other problems that night.

The word of the day is confidence. We had much more confidence when the numbers were in our favor.

With God on our side, the numbers are always in our favor.

I love the fact that we have a confidence in approaching God, that if we ask, He answers.

1 John 5:14-15 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.”