Four Steps to the Highest Road!


highest roadDon’t just take the high road, take the Highest Road.

These are the words I want you to speak over yourself and your family and your business today. Highest Road.

As Starla and I were on a plane to New York recently, I looked out of the window and saw how high above everything we were. The higher we ascended, the smaller everything looked. That’s when this word came to my mind.

Take the highest road. Because the higher you are the smaller things seem to be. What does that mean to us in our everyday lives?

When we take the highest road, we can avoid many conflicts in our relationships, because they just don’t seem as big when we are on the highest road.

So, how can we take the Highest Road?

Here are four suggestions.

  1. Learn from criticism. Instead of becoming offended at criticism, ask yourself if there is something that you can truly learn from the criticism. Let’s face it, we all can use some ‘perfecting’ in our lives. We just don’t like to hear it. If you can learn from it and become better, then change. If not, then keep moving forward.
  1. Just do what’s right. Oftentimes, we do not do the right thing because we allow our emotions to get the best of us. Don’t be ruled by your emotions. Just do the right thing.
  1. Choose your battles. Some battles are just not worth fighting. I know if you are a person that is driven by principles and you see things in black and white, it will be very difficult for you to do this. But you must really analyze whether or not this battle is worth fighting. Because every time you fight a battle, there is a stress and a contention that it is created, that oftentimes you cannot recover from. Therefore, only fight the battles that are truly worth fighting.
  1. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It is so easy to allow the little things that are often insignificant in the grand scheme of things, to distract us from what is most important. When you travel on the Highest Road, you will not throw fuel on the fire of a meaningless misunderstanding. Let it go and keep your eye on the big picture of creating unity and developing teamwork.

I know it’s not easy to take the Highest Road, but we should strive for excellence in this area of our lives and our relationships.

Colossians 3:2 “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

I believe in you. You can do this. I’ll see you on the Highest Road.