Brush it Off!

brush it offI was driving down the road the other day and slowed down, signaled a right turn with my blinker, and then continued to turn right. The car behind me honked his horn at me, as if to say that my right turn had slowed him down as he was traveling. Now I have to tell you that there are few things that really annoy me on the road, and this impatient, entitlement to the road, is one of them.

In moments like these you have to make a choice. You can either let these things get under your skin or you can brush it off and keep on going.

The word of the day is brush it off.

Did you know that Jesus taught His disciples to brush it off? When things didn’t go their way, or as they had hoped, He taught them to shake the dust off their feet and go to the next city.

Luke 9:5 “If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet…”

We have to learn to do the same thing.

When someone says something that offends you…brush it off.

When someone does something that annoys you…brush it off.

When someone forgets something that affects you…brush it off.

Oftentimes, we think that they don’t deserve for us to just forget about it and let them off the hook. The problem is, as long as you hold on to the emotion of the offense, they have control over you. When you brush it off you are cutting the cord that has you bound to that person. You are cutting them loose. You are letting them go. You are choosing to keep moving forward as you leave them in your dust. (So to speak)