Walk Humbly!

walk humblyStarla and I were waiting to board a plane the other day. It became apparent that pre-boarding is now officially out of control.

I’m not taking away anything from any of these groups that are allowed to pre-board. It just seemed a little comical to me that after the elderly, handicapped, families with children, and military, which are all deserving, comes advantage members, double advantage, triple advantage, platinum members, gold, silver, bronze, aluminum, brushed metal, heavy metal, people who love rock-n-roll, country music next, jazz and then classical, and anyone else who has paid a little extra to board early, in order to hurry and get to your assigned seat.  That’s the funny part.  Your seat isn’t going anywhere. Yes, I know there is always a fight for overhead storage. But the unspoken battle for who gets to go first, just amuses me.

I wonder if God looks down from heaven and sees Christians acting the same way. Do we think that we are more deserving of another to be first in line for blessings, answered prayer or God’s favor?

Do we think we will be granted pre-entrance into heaven because of our spiritual status?

The Bible says, our righteousness is like filthy rags.

Any grace we have received from God is not because of anything we have done to deserve it, but only because of His grace.

The word of the day is humbly. Walk humbly before God and others.

Micah 6:8 says, “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”