God is patient!

PatientI was walking into my office one day this week and I looked down on the ground and I noticed a doodle bug. You know? The little roly-poly bugs that turn into a little ball when you pick them up.

I don’t usually pay much attention to these little bugs, but for some odd reason, I stopped and began to imagine how long it was going to take that doodle bug to get where it was going? I watched it for a while and it looked to me like it was just going around in circles.

I thought, “It would drive me crazy, if I had to move that slow to get where I wanted to go.”

I wonder if God ever feels like we are moving at the pace of a doodle bug. I wonder if He wishes we would hurry up and get on board with His plan. I’m sure He gets frustrated with us, as we slowly go around in circles? How many times have we made the same mistakes and have had to relearn the same lessons, over and over again?

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you. Aren’t you glad that God is patient toward you? I am. I know He had every reason to give up on me long ago. Except for the fact that it would go against His very nature. He is patient toward us. That’s who He is, not just what He does.

Thank God that He is patient with you today.