Plans falling apart?

prevailRecently, Starla and I traveled to New York to attend a Missions Conference. We had made plans for our time in New York. However, only two hours after we had arrived in New York, we received the terrible news that Starla’s mother had been in a car accident. We were not given many details, except for the fact that she had been hit and her neck was broken in two places. We were terrified. But we immediately started praying and making plans to turn around and come back to Texas and be with her mother and her family. Fortunately, her mother will be fine and will have a complete recovery. God has been good.

But this reminded me of how often we make plans, on top of plans, only for those plans to be changed by unforeseen circumstances.

When your day doesn’t start out the way you planned…

When your job doesn’t turn out the way you planned…

When your health doesn’t turn out the way you planned…

When your children don’t turn out the way you planned…

When your life doesn’t turn out the way you planned…

Remember…God’s plans will prevail.

Keep trusting and keep believing. God is still working things out for you.

The word of the day is prevail.

Proverbs 19:21 (NLT) “You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.”

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges