
aweMy one year old grandson Mase, has a new word. It’s “Wow.” He walks around looking at everything, saying, “Wow!” Obviously, I think it’s cute. As a grandfather, I think most everything he does is cute.

But as he and I were playing with trucks and dinosaurs, the other day, making masculine, deep grunting noises, (that all little boys should be taught,) he stopped and looked at one of the toy dinosaurs and said, “Wow!”

He expressed it with so much awe and wonder.

I think we should attack each day with the same kind of awe and wonder.

Think about the awesome new mercies that God has provided this morning. Think about the opportunity to breathe, to talk, to walk, to engage with people you love and encounter new people for the first time.

Everyday should be filled with awe.

Every moment is a miracle.

Every breath a gift.

Every minute is a treasure.

Every person is a masterpiece to behold.

Today is filled with awe and wonder. The only question is will you slow down long enough to see it.

Awe is the word of the day.

Psalm 33:8 “Let everyone in all the world—men, women, and children—fear the Lord and stand in awe of him.”

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges