Sincerely Yours!


sinceritySincerity is the word for the day.

Remember, words have the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:21)

The words you choose, set the course for your day and your destiny.

Speak sincerity over yourself, your marriage, your family and your life. Declare that you will operate in sincerity in all you do today.

Joshua 24:14 “Now, therefore, fear the LORD and serve Him in sincerity and truth;

In Forbes magazine, columnist Rich Karlgaard once related a story he was told by Nancy Ortberg, an emergency room nurse who was finishing up work one night before heading home.

“The doctor with whom I was working was debriefing a new doctor, who had done a very respectable, competent job, telling him what he’d done well and what he could have done differently.

“Then he put his hand on the young doctor’s shoulder and said, ‘When you finished, did you notice the young man from housekeeping who came in to clean the room?’ There was a completely blank look on the young doctor’s face.

“The older doctor said, ‘His name is Carlos. He’s been here for three years. He does a fabulous job. When he comes in he gets the room turned around so fast that you and I can get our next patients in quickly. His wife’s name is Maria. They have four children.’ Then he named each of the four children and gave each child’s age.

“The older doctor went on to say, ‘He lives in a rented house about three blocks from here, in Santa Ana. They’ve been up from Mexico for about five years. His name is Carlos,’ he repeated. Then he said, ‘Next week I would like you to tell me something about Carlos that I don’t already know. Okay? Now, let’s go check on the rest of the patients.”

Ortberg recalls: “I remember standing there writing my nursing notes – stunned – and thinking, I have just witnessed breathtaking leadership.”

Sincerity matters. You must sincerely care about others. You must care enough to respect those who are part of your team, your organization, your family and your life. Respect them enough to truly know them, not just know they exist.

True sincerity is an important part of healthy relationships in every area of life. Because, people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.

Sincerely Yours!

Kendall Bridges