One day at a time?

one day at a timeThere are some things you just need to do daily!

  • You need to shower daily.
  • You need to eat daily.
  • You need to brush your teeth daily. (hopefully more than once)
  • You need to read your Bible daily.
  • You need to pray daily.
  • You need to say, “Please and thank you,” daily.
  • You need to “Count your blessings” daily.

I could go on and on. But there is a concept that I want you to get.

Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer, to pray, “Give us this day, our daily bread.” Matthew 6:9-13

God taught the children of Israel to trust daily for their provision, by sending “Manna” from heaven on a daily basis. If they tried to store it for later, it would rot.

Here’s the concept, some things are required daily for success and growth. Some things are required daily for a healthy life. Somethings are required daily for a healthy body and some things are required daily for a healthy marriage. Some couples think that an expensive vacation or an expensive piece of jewelry will magically make marriage problems go away. Here’s the problem…all the points that you earned for the vacation and the jewelry are cancelled out at midnight. In the same way that you cannot carry over one minute of this day into the next. You can’t carry over credit in your marriage either.

You have to say, “I love you,” daily. You have to show your love, daily. You have to invest in your marriage, daily. Then, you can have daily success.

The word of the day is daily. Work daily toward a healthy, strong and successful marriage.