Is There Any Evidence?

hot coffeeI was drinking a hot cup of coffee early one morning. While I held the morning kick to my lips, lost in thought, I happen to gaze directly into the steam rising from my caffeinated perk. It was a bit mesmerizing, tranquil and hypnotic.

I love a hot cup of coffee. But that’s not the point.

As I thought of the steam being an evidence of the temperature of the coffee, I also thought that God expects to see evidence in our lives as well.

It is one thing to say that we are Christians. It is one thing to believe that we are Christians. It is still another thing to act and live as Christians.

The Bible says, in Philippians 4:5 “Let your gentleness be evident to all.”

Not only should our gentleness be evident, but all the Fruit of the Spirit should be evident in our lives.

The word of the day is evident.

What do other people see in you? What do they hear in your words? What do they see in your actions? What do they know about you, by the way you live?

Remember, your life may be the only Bible some people ever read? Your life may be the only gospel, they are ever exposed to. Your life may be the only witness they will ever have.

Make your life count, one day at a time and let the life of Christ be evident in you.