Smile a While! 4 Good reasons to Smile

alwyas smile4 Good Reasons to Smile

Someone once said, “When You Smile, the Whole World Smiles Back.”

Let me give you a few reasons why smiling can be the most productive thing you could do all day.

-Smiling just makes you feel better.                                                                                                                                       It has been proven over and over again that when you smile, your body begins to feel better. Your body,          your emotions, your feelings will be altered by whether or not you smile.

-Smiling makes others feel better.
“When you smile the whole world smiles back.” Frowns work the same way that smiles do, just with a negative reaction.

-You are better looking when you smile.
Have you ever looked at family photos? Whose better looking, the ones that are smiling or the ones that are frowning?

-Smiling is the first step to laughter.
Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good, like medicine.

Smile a while and give your face a rest and have a better day.