Walk Wisely!

Rapper and actor LL Cool J appeared on a radio station in New York City for an interview, where he discussed elements of his personal faith including his tithing. “I mentioned earlier longevity, versatility and originality,” LL Cool J said. “What I didn’t mention was spirituality and believing in God.

He continued: “Every dime I get, no matter what it is, I give 10 percent to the church. I’m a life-long tither. I believe strongly in giving. I believe you got to have that faith. And I’ve seen it work in my life, because as much as people in the world like to take credit and claim to be geniuses, at the end of the day there’s a higher power than you, and you got to answer to that power.”

Too many of us tend to forget that we will have to answer to God for the way we live our lives. We must answer for our every thought, word and action.

  • So, bring every though captive. 2 Corinthians 10:5
  • Hold your tongue and speak blessings only. Proverbs 18:21
  • Guard your steps and walk only with the wise. Proverbs 13:20

You have more influence than you realize, so, handle yourself with class and grace today. You will make an everlasting impression on someone that could change their life. The word of the day is walk wisely. This will make your day better.