Be Kind to One Another!

KindnessKindness is the word for the day!

Be Kind to one another. I know everyone thinks that Ellen DeGeneres coined this phrase. But it actually comes from the Bible. The Apostle Paul said this to the Christians in Ephesus.

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Mark Twain said, “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

I want you to speak kindness over your marriage and over your life today. Since you are really only responsible for your own actions, you will have to take this as a challenge to personally be kind today and every day.

  • How many times have you been at a restaurant and the server just really made you angry?
  • How many times has someone annoyed you in traffic and you really wanted to give them a piece of your mind?
  • How many times has your spouse or other family members treated you with such disrespect that you wanted to lash out and tell them how you feel?

We have all been there a few times, right? (Some, more than we would like)

It’s been proven time and time again that the kinder you are, the happier you are.

So why not try some kindness today?

  1. Call someone who has been a blessing in your life and tell them so.
  2. Buy coffee for the car behind you in the Drive-Thru line.
  3. Let someone go ahead of you in traffic or at the grocery store.
  4. Hold the door for someone today.
  5. Smile at everyone you see.
  6. Speak kindly to everyone. Compliment them on something.
  7. Make a vow to not complain for a week.
  8. Buy lunch for a co-worker.
  9. Give someone else the better parking space.
  10. Do some chores at home that usually your spouse does.

You will be amazed at the good feelings that will overtake you. It will create a momentum for more kindness in your life and create a reward of kindness back to your life.

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges